The CLYC Committee has now completed negotiations regarding reciprocal arrangements with the Royal London Yacht Club in Cowes. This was formally acknowledged with an exchange of burgees by both Commodores at the Pre-Regatta Party held in the Royal London Clubhouse on 17th May.
Under the arrangement, CLYC members are able to use the Royal London Clubhouse in Cowes to eat, drink and stay in their accommodation. Members may also attend Royal London YC events and, with prior permission, use their moorings for short stays. Boats must display a CLYC burgee when on their moorings and, when using the Royal London Clubhouse, members should be prepared to show their CLYC membership card if requested. Electronic membership cards can be downloaded and printed from the members section of this website.
In return, Royal London YC members can attend CLYC events and we look forward to welcoming them to formal dinners in London. Events on the water will also be an attraction for joint participation and we are expecting some Royal London YC boats to join our Solent Cruise in July.